The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program is a Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development program available in all school boards. Each school board has an OYAP Coordinator and together they elect a board of directors to represent them on the OYAP Coordinators’ Provincial Affiliation (OCPA).
Who we are ...
We are a responsive, member driven organization that facilitates communication and collaboration among its members and stakeholders to provide high quality apprenticeship programs for secondary school students. Our membership is comprised of OYAP Coordinators from all Ontario school boards, school authorities and First Nation schools. The OCPA board consists of elected directors who represent five geographical regions and Francophones.
How we do it ...
OCPA identifies, shares, develops and promotes resources and strategies to enhance the effectiveness and profile of OYAP.
What we do ...
As the recognized and valued voice for its members and the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program community at large, we are the primary
source for:
- Professional development
- Expertise
- Resources
- Innovative practices
Why we do it ...
OCPA champions and promotes OYAP for the benefit of students across Ontario.
Key Strategic Priorities...
- Strengthen communication with members
- Strengthen relationships with government stakeholders
- Provide access to provincially-developed marketing resources and strategies
- Provide leadership for emerging issues
We can be reached at: